The Rookie league is an instructional league where the fundamentals of fielding and hitting are developed; coaches pitch “flex” baseball. No scores are kept. The goal is to have fun and develop skills.
The base lengths are 50'; and the coaches pitch.
Rookie league is for players entering Kindergarten or 1st Grade.
Spring Season typically starts the week after spring break and runs through the end of June.
Fall season starts the middle to end of August and runs through middle of October.
Practices and games are held at Sunset Backstop, Esping and Eaglebrook.
Practices typically start the week after spring break, weather permitting. One weeknight (selected by the coaching staff) will consistently be used for practice throughout the season; additional weekend practices during the pre-season are at the coaches’ discretion.
Games will generally begin in May and run through the end of June. Games at this age level are scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sundays; one would expect to play approximately 3 games over two consecutive weekends. Unfortunately, due to mother nature, the baseball schedule is not always as consistent as we would like. However, there will be scheduled practice dates and game dates that will be posted in advance.
Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?
The GBA provides each player with a hat, jersey, pants and socks. There are also helmets available at each practice and game, however just about all the kids have their own these days due to hygiene concerns. GBA also provides catcher equipment for each team.
Extra Costs
What costs beyond registration fees should be expected?
The equipment that you will need to get: Glove, Cleats (rubber), and Athletic Cup (boy players). Optional equipment are Bat, Batting Helmet and Carry Bag. Note that each year in March we have a GBA sponsored discount day at Dicks Sporting Goods in the Geneva Commons.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How are teams formed?
All of our leagues go through a draft process and kids are selected by team managers and coaches.
With Rookie we emphasize that kids are selected by schools and/or neighborhoods. However, the only way to guarantee a child's placement on a specific team is to have their parent or guardian as one of the three or four official team coaches. Those who are registered by March 1st will have an opportunity to request a buddy via an email invitation sent to the registration email. What we generally see happen at this level is that most of the kids end up were they were wanted to be. However, this is not a guarantee.
2. Can we request a specific team or manager for carpool reasons?
While we may make every attempt to communicate these requests to the managers, it is up to them and their coaches to select players. Please refer to answer for Question #1 for more details.
Spring 2025
GBA In-House Rookie Spring League - Kindergarten and First Grade