Geneva Vikings Travel
2025 Travel Team Rosters

GBA has teams ranging from 8U to 14U teams based upon registrants and interest levels.
Example: Players who turn 10 before May 1st will not be eligible to play at 9U.
Travel Baseball typically runs from January 1st(winter training) through about the second week of July.
Example: Tryouts are in mid July for the next year. Winter training is from January through March with games starting in late March/early April and running through mid July.
Practices and Home games are held in Geneva. Away games are tournaments are held mostly in Northern Illinois with a one or two out of the are tournaments.
Example: Out of area tournaments are typically held in neighboring states or in the midwest region.
Winter training is usually held 2 nights a week. During the season practices are up to the coaches to determine when and how often to practice.
Most travel teams will play between 20-40 games throughout the season.
Example: This is a combination of league games and tournaments.
All travel teams will receive 2 jerseys(home and away) for the year. In addition to those players will receive pants, hats, and a belt. Socks will need to be purchased by the parents.
Extra Costs
Each team may encounter extra costs depending on tournaments entered or extra uniforms ordered, per manager.
Example: Most teams will offer fundraising to cover some of these costs but again that is up to the team manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I, as a parent need to pay for my child's hotel room for out of area tournaments?
Yes, the family will be responsible for hotel room fees pertaining to out of the area tournaments.
Spring 2025
2025 travel registration